Smell the Roses
The way we are, the way we feel, changes moment to moment and being attuned to our senses supports us to move and be with this, be with what is.
We can use our senses to remain in tune with our feelings. This can help us stay grounded and calm as we know things will pass, it will change.
Acknowledging this, being attuned to my senses helps me with difficult moments, while at other times it brings pleasure. This may be simply acknowledging the delicious flavours of my lunch, even on a busy day; it may be the appreciation of the soothing touch of a hug, or the happy memories a song may offer.
These moments can be described as stopping to ‘smell the roses’; it is paying attention to all my experiences with interest, love, and remembrance.
Taste - what am I eating?
Sound - what am I listening to?
Touch - how am I moving?
Sight - what am I reading?
"I lay myself down
on the welcoming
ground, the earth's
spine becoming mine.
Peace seeps into
heavy limbs and
slows my heartbeat
to the pace of
nature. I take refuge
in the quiet, and let
my burdens go,
one by one, until
the earth and I
both float in the
same vast and
holy silence."
"Release" by Danna Faulds
Smell - what am I smelling?
In North Africa, guests are welcomed with glasses of sweet mint tea. Traditionally three glasses are prepared one after the other, from the same leaves : "The first glass is as gentle as life, the second is as strong as love, the third is as bitter as death."
I infuse tea from herbs I pick from my garden: Mint, Lemongrass, Lavender, Leptospermum (Lemon-scented tea tree). I don't make three glasses from the same leaves.
Offerings - nourish yourself…..
Nutrition and Yoga Therapy Consultation
Personal Session and Online
Wednesday 2.00-6.30pm
By Arrangement
Private Individual & Group Yoga Classes
By Arrangement