New Beginnings
Exploring ways to feel less activated, to more easily come into a peaceful place. This is the focus of this blog, the simple practice of feeling into the senses to self regulate and calm. I illustrate some simple ways I incorporate this into my life and hope it helps you take and try some of these ideas if it is relevant and something you need.

Sensing, Feeling, Resting
The year is now well under way. I rested well, had short breaks away, nurtured the garden, walked in the bush, read lots of books and continued to swim regularly in the sea.
I hope you also took this opportunity to rest, recharge and renew.

Smell the Roses
The way we are, the way we feel, changes moment to moment and being attuned to our senses supports us to move and be with this, be with what is.
We can use our senses to remain in tune with our feelings. This can help us stay grounded and calm as we know things will pass, it will change.

The Senses
Exploring ways to feel less activated, to more easily come into a peaceful place. This is the focus of this blog, the simple practice of feeling into the senses to self regulate and calm. I illustrate some simple ways I incorporate this into my life and hope it helps you take and try some of these ideas if it is relevant and something you need.